(Public) Tools & Techniques via AI-powered Apps
The GRC Capability Model (OCEG’s “Red Book”) outlines the core Components and Elements that comprise Capabilities that can be used to build Systems that create Pathways to Principled Performance®, which is a concept developed by OCEG that encompasses an organization's ability to reliably achieve objectives, address uncertainty, and act with integrity.
GRC Capabilities can be used to build Systems for Governance, Management and Audit. The Model consists of four Components (Learn, Align, Perform and Review), and each of these is described along with Component Considerations that should be taken into account, as well as the Elements that are required for each.
There are twenty Elements distributed among the four Components (4 for Learn, 5 for Align, 8 for Perform and 3 for Review) and each Element is described along with Practices and Element Considerations impacting decisions, design and operation as well as Tools & Techniques.
To build a System using this Model, choose a Starting Point as described in the Red Book: SP0: Blank Canvas, SP1: Topical, SP2: Discipline, SP3: Element or SP4: Crisis
and then go through the Model, step-by-step, to build or improve the Capabilities required of the System, which will then be deployed as a Pathway to Principled Performance®.
These integrated Capabilities can be used and leveraged by multiple Systems for governance, management and audit, so building or improving them affects all of these Systems.
These stand-alone Red Caps > are Red Book Tools & Techniques created with MIndStudio. These Red Caps > do not require ChatGPT, but the others are custom GPTs, which do. The ones in BLACK aren't ours, and link to public GPTs created by others available on "Explore GPTs" in ChatGPT. We've tried them and they work well. No need to reinvent them.